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Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Responsibilities

Inspection of raw goods that arrive at our factory to make sure that the materials are received as ordered, and that the specifications that we have required are met. Anything less than what we ordered is refused.

Inspection of our Cutting department to insure cuts are straight, colors and quantities are correct based on the order and the work environment stays clean and orderly.

Inspection of our Peripheral Sewing department to insure that all seams are within our specifications. As we make over 500 various peripheral items that compose the majority of the finished products our customers see, our QA is very important in this particular area.

Roving Inspections of inflatable production, gluing, welding, printing, painting, packaging, foam sculpting, and other areas of our factory insure that we catch a problem before it happens, so that it does not become the customers problem.

Additionally, every inflatable product we manufacture is pressure tested and recorded for our record keeping purposes.

Our Quality Assurance department also administers employee training programs to new employees to insure that everyone is aware of, and understands the high standards that our company requires.


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